Thank You for Your Interest in John’s Work

“The Underground History of American Education” is John’s magnum opus, taking him 10 years to write, and is currently being updated for a 2015 edition with 20+ new, unreleased articles.

As usual, he holds nothing back. Get ready for some exciting content from the former New York State Teacher of the Year (1991).

And, we are redesigning to prepare for UH’s phase 1 release. Thank you for your patience. You won’t be disappointed. 🙂

You may still own his books from this link: John Taylor Gatto Store

Spread the Empowered Education movement to your local community.

To be informed details of its exact launch date and receive freebies prior to its launch, email us at .  We’ll be sure to let you know when we re-release it.

In gratitude and hope,

David Rodriguez


“Admit that there is no one right way to grow up successfully.” – John Taylor Gatto


23 thoughts on “Thank You for Your Interest in John’s Work

  1. bell says:

    What happened to the old website?

    For over a decade, I directed teacher wannabes to the original site with the suggestion that, at a minimum, they peruse The Underground History of American Education as it appeared online.

    As I further informed prospective teachers, having independently researched the subject of education on the graduate and undergraduate level before coming across The Underground History treatise and confirming many of his conclusions, the last thing I wanted was for these novices to be blindsided by an inability to change a false flag system that never was intended to benefit students.

    Only a few hours before writing this reply, a college administrator told me about problems her child was having in school. In an effort to help her child, I offered the mother the website address as well as the title of Gatto’s seminal work.


  2. hope you are strengthening from the stroke. I pray that all is well with your family. I am Ron Smith in Oklahoma and I wanted to know if is still possible to donate for your health issues.


  3. Emmanuel Yao Deku says:

    It’s good to know that there are material about modern methods of teaching. I am a non-professional who has a basic school in Ghana and therefore eager to find ways of changing the traditional method of teaching. Looking forward to read John’s work.


  4. PJ says:

    Would you consider putting the old Underground History back up until the new one is available? This is my (by far) most-referred site on the Internet, and it is disconcerting not to have it available to send people there.


  5. Bob says:

    Nice work so far on the rework of the site.
    Are you planning on restoring the online access to The Underground History of American Education?

    It proved to be a good way of introducing people to Mr. Gatto’s work, at least for me.
    I really appreciated having access to it in the past and it’s what ultimately led me to buying Mr. Gatto’s books but I understand nothing lasts forever.


  6. Bruce says:

    Glad to hear John is improving and writing again.

    Is the updated Underground History going to be internet-only or a “real” book as well?


  7. J Bare says:

    Is there any way you could put the old history tour back up? I used to direct people to that set of pages to get them interested in your book.


  8. Chicago says:

    Does John have any input into this website? Will the documentary be broader than we see here and be broadcast on television? Will there be a message forum at some point?


  9. Tim Potter says:

    I’m very sorry to hear about Mr. Gatto having another stroke (I think this is not his first?) Just hearing about this from this thread. I feel awkward about asking this, except for the word above that his health is improving … has he ever considered doing a regular youtube video-blog? My attitude toward him is, if he think something’s worth talking about, I want to hear it.


  10. David,
    Thanks for taking on the revamp of John’s website. I’ll certainly be checking it regularly.
    I have been a fan of John Taylor Gatto for many years. I seen/heard him speak at Conferences at least 2 times, bought his books and recordings of his speeches. We brought him down to Austin, TX to speak to us some time back. I’ve been fascinated not just by what he has to say, but more specifically about what he did with his 13 and 14 year old students—his Guerrilla Curriculum…so much so, that I edited many of his speeches (cut audio excerpts) and created a site ( )dedicated to his work and directing viewers to
    I’ve been looking forward to his 4th Purpose Schooling film as well. I found a demo of that was started(?):
    I would recommend a link to or the demo itself on the new site.

    Praying for John’s health, Thanks and God Bless,
    Raul Flandes


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